Reconstruction 2.0

re·con·struc·tion (n.) /ˌrēkənˈstrəkSH(ə)n/ the action or process of reconstructing or being reconstructed. a thing that has been rebuilt after being damaged or destroyed. 3546 days. 9 years, 8 months, 16 days. 116 months, 16 days. 196 posts. That is how long I've had this blog. In nearly 10 years, it has been interesting, for me, to review where my thinking was when I started this site and where I am now. I almost thought about just starting over because my writings are going to be more on my artistic processes, projects, experiences and considerations on all things in my art life. Isn't art life? Isn't what we create a direct reflection of our internal landscapes influenced by the external ones? So, I decided to just continue the flow from 3546 days ago because, in my reality, it's all pertinent. Several years ago (8 in fact), I spent some hard earned money on a defining your personal narrative workshop. It was a full weekend, small gr...