Happy Autumnal Equinox...

This day would normally find me doing seasonal celebrations - changing out the summer linens for the fall/winter ones; participating in one of many gatherings and parties to celebrate the change of seasons; taking a first-day-of-fall hike... Not this year. This year I am on day 3 of fevers that won't break and going on 48 hours of laying on bed to sofa to bed back to sofa and occasionally, the cool tile floor. This equinox brought me the flu. I don't get sick. Rarely. Maybe a minor head cold once every few years ... but the flu? They usually pass me by or I'll feel a 'tinge' of it for maybe a day. This one doesn't want to let me go. What's with that?? Things that aren't cool about being bed-ridden ill: You can't go out to play. The weekend to-do list doesn't get even touched. Sub plans are a bear to put together and you never know who's gonna show up. Nothing tastes good. The 4-legged family members try to comfort you - at the peak...