On how to step out of a rut...

Sometimes, I feel like I'm on a path so well trodden that I can't see over the berm to the views alongside me.... Isn't this supposed to be summer vacation? What teachers dream of after the turmoil of test prep, crowded classrooms, and bureaucratic confusion? I have this habit of not being able to say no to things I really have no interest in doing which takes me away from those I do - even during summer vacation. And then nothing gets done. Yesterday was a day like that. I couldn't relax. I couldn't "get productive". And then I just got grumpy... So, I broke out the trampoline and rebounded for about a 1/2 hour to rev up the blood flow.... Then, I took myself out to a movie....... "To Rome With Love" - the newest Woody Allen flick. You have to appreciate Woody's meandering, quirky humor of the human psyche. You either get him or you don't. I do. So, it was a fun-get-out-of-my-dull-mood movie for me. Next, I had Ben...