Chasing rainbows? Nope. Not this time...

In search of.... This morning found us shrouded in this stuff. Thick. Wet. Beautiful. And very much needed as our local mountain wilderness area, San Jacinto, is engulfed in a week long, raging fire. We desert dwellers get as excited about clouds and rain as a Northwestern dweller cheers for the sun. The most magical scenes emerge through the mist. However.... I lingered too long at home. Charged my battery. Yakked with my visiting daughter, trying to talk her into recreating our fog capturing escapade last January. Hedged on what camera, what lens to bring. Just had to post my pending adventure on Facebook . THEN, I ventured out - in search of that unique capture of my mystical desert. Like it was going to wait for me? I piddled an hour too long. Here is what I managed to capture. Still unique-ish but not the spectacular find of last winter. The smell of sage and creosote and cedar and wet rock was prize enough for this early, but not early enough, morning in my desert...