Day 20

Around this time of year, I long for the open road..... A simply packed car: hiking gear, assorted lenses for the camera body, a map, snacks, a few items of clothing to handle whatever weather may crop up (here, out west, it changes its mind often...), a fair amount of unencumbered time, a travel buddy - or not, with no particular place to head to. My favorite kind of trip is pointed in some direction with a vague idea of what I'd like to do, but ending up discovering something altogether different. I have many friends whose entire vacations are "ruined" with bad moods for weeks on end if their well laid out itinerary has a hiccup. Me. I love the surprises along the way (well, maybe not the flat tire-no-cell-service-fender-bender-wait-for-hours-for-AAA-way-too-long kind of surprises.....) From late August to mid June, my days are planned to the minute, complete with a bell to tell me what to do next. So, the less planned the trip, the better. While the road winds this way...