Reconstruction 2.0

re·con·struc·tion (n.)  /ˌrēkənˈstrəkSH(ə)n/    

the action or process of reconstructing or being reconstructed.

a thing that has been rebuilt after being damaged or destroyed. 

3546 days. 

9 years, 8 months, 16 days.

116 months, 16 days.

196 posts.

That is how long I've had this blog. In nearly 10 years, it has been interesting, for me, to review where my thinking was when I started this site and where I am now. I almost thought about just starting over because my writings are going to be more on my artistic processes, projects, experiences and considerations on all things in my art life.

Isn't art life? Isn't what we create a direct reflection of our internal landscapes influenced by the external ones?  

So, I decided to just continue the flow from 3546 days ago because, in my reality, it's all pertinent.

Several years ago (8 in fact), I spent some hard earned money on a defining your personal narrative workshop. It was a full weekend, small group of 5 participants, lead by a well known photographer. Long story shortened, I got exactly 17 minutes of her time only to be told "'re all over the map. I have no idea what you're trying to say..." And, just like that, I was dismissed and the attention went back to 2 of the 5 participants who apparently had photographic work she 'liked'.  

Isn't that what I paid to be there for? To get 'expert guidance' to help me define my visual voice?

I didn't touch my cameras for almost 9 months. To this day, I don't freely shoot or experiment or have fun like I had for decades prior to deciding I'd pay an accomplished, professional artist help me define my artistic/narrative voice. The voice inside my head still says (although more a whisper than shouting), "Who do you think you are? YOU aren't an artist. You have no direction, no theme, NO STYLE!"  

I want my money back.

In those 8 years, I eventually did shoot again but with great reservation. My cameras still spend more time in their cases than around my neck. I braved many local shows, did 7 years of Open Studio Art Tours locally, conducted workshops, and sold a pretty decent amount of work not to mention having many of my images sold to authors needing certain desert imagery for their publications. I even have collectors who reach out to me wondering when I'll be exhibiting new work.

I wonder, too. 

I left the work force 2 years earlier than my original retirement plan. ZeeeRow regrets there. Time to dust off the art tools and see where I want to take this long held dream - dim and faded as it was - however, still there. 

Enter the pandemic. Chaos. Confusion. A LOT of time to be still, think, try not to think, distantly connect with people in the same boat, revisit some things, find myself, learn again...  It wasn't all horrible.

On the other side of all this, some really cool situations have emerged. And, here is where I will share and discuss them - all things pertaining to my creative process - and that includes my life because art IS life ...

Which IS all over the fucking map. And, I like it that way.

Starting the first and third Wednesdays of EVERY MONTH (beginning tomorrow!), I will be posting a piece about my projects, my muse(s), how my travels and family and friends and anyone I meet influences my inner and outer landscapes, thus influences my creative output....and most excitedly, a collaborative project I'm privileged to be part of with a kindred art sister I met along the pandemic trail. 

Tomorrow is the introduction... wheeeeee!

In short:

  • Listen to YOUR OWN voice (but don't stay in your head too long)
  • Play, play, play!  (i.e. Don't take yourself so seriously)
  • Not every professional artist is a good teacher
  • Keep the joy flame lit
  • Let the reconstruction begin!

Where you'll find me most often...

Backcountry camping in my beloved JTNP

Eastern Sierras in "Lucy", my camper van

...and any other place on the map I find intriguing...


Anonymous said…
This workshop has been a heartache for you for far too long. Happy to see you are using that energy to move you positively forward. Remember what I told you years ago - you need a thick skin whenever you put yourself out there in the expressive arts....toughen up kiddo! Keep facing the light...
Diana said…
Ah yes - and thank you for not only hearing me kvetch but kick me in the patoody now and then to not let that negative energy seep in too deep. Appreciate the friendship and love, RC!

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