Day 26

Every once in awhile, it pays to look up. Today, while pushing the grocery cart across the darkening parking lot with my head deep into what I needed to still get done today, I just happened to look up and to the west. What drew my attention that way, I'm not quite sure but what I saw made me stop dead in my tracks. This picture does the scene no justice as the cloud formation was HUGE and....even odder (is that a word?), it was the only cloud in the entire sky that I could see. There was barely a breeze on the ground yet the cloud's shape gave away the powerful swirling winds in the atmosphere. Glowing deep orange from the fading sunset, flanked by a sliver of the moon and the evening's first 'star', it was a mesmerizing presence. I heard a little boy ask his dad "What's that?" pointing upwards. The dad just answered, "A cloud." as he hurried his son into the store. Missed opportunity for an inspiring discussion, I am thinking...and then won...