Back in the Saddle Again...

I've been busy. My life is evolving at light speed. Dreams are being realized... Chapter 3 of my Life is now in full swing. The kids are fully out into their own grand adventures. I love spending time with them in their newly 'adulted' lives. One 30 year career is nearing to a close and another begins. Chapter 2 had a satisfying end. Chapter 3 promises a journey of many predictable and unforeseen surprises along the twists and turns, peeks and dips. Kind of like Chapters 1 and 2 but more grown-up...if there is such a thing. The remainder of this blog will be dedicated to all things artful - specifically my passion for the alternatively processed, aka 'old school', print making methods. I am marrying the digital world with nostalgic methods of presentation developed in the 1800s. More on all of that later. For now, here are 2 earlier prints I made using platinum and palladium on cotton rag paper. Nothing but precious metals and organic cotton fibers t...