Day 30

Water? In the desert? Of course! We desert dwellers get totally psyched whenever clouds form. And, when it finally rains - in torrents, drizzles, or softly falling for a few minutes or hours at a time - we are out in it. Many of us, exploring for waterfalls, unexpected pools that may give birth to desert pupfish, rocks that weep, and creeks that may run for days - sometimes weeks if the rains are long and hard enough. I love hiking in the washes after it settles down to see what changes have taken place. New boulder barricades. Cultural relics unearthed. Mysteries under the sand are revealed. The next cool thing that happens is how things spring to life - immediately. In fact, when the air is heavy with moisture, threatening to open the heavens and flood the washes with a deluge, you can almost see the cacti and succulents stand a bit taller - swelling upwards in anticipation of a much needed drink. It could have been months and months and months since their last sip...