Preserving a life well loved, Part 1...

These 'easier' summer days afford me the opportunity to play and perfect some new skills. This week was spent learning more techniques with photographing children. I was happy to see that many things I have already been practicing were presented in the workshop. That is always validating. And, it's always great to pick up something fresh as well. Every photographer develops their signature style. I tend to want my images classically simple with black and white or sepia-ish tones or faded color. I don't care to sit in front of the computer for too long to 'fix' images - preferring to accomplish my vision using available light or using fill flash, diffusers, and reflectors while composing the scene in the camera. However, looking at the trends in more casual photo shoots, it is good to have an arsenal of skills and styles for clients to choose from even if it means using the processing programs for what they were created to do - make an image. Sometimes, just a ...