The bonding powers of nature...

Can you remember those pivotal times in your life when your parents did something with you that changed your perspective on life? I can but enjoying nature wasn't one of them. It wasn't that my parents didn't appreciate the great outdoors. I just don't think they appreciated it the way I have learned to. And, as a parent myself, I try to instill that appreciation and necessary respect for it with my own children. So far, I think I've succeeded. The other day, my youngest son and I took a tram nearly 2 1/2 miles straight up San Jacinto Mountain ....about 8,000 ft. above sea level. From there, we hiked one way, just over 8 miles to a state park near the town of Idllywild . I've done this hike 2 times before, the first time with my daughter - we discovered the 'shorter, easier' route quite by accident. It is also, to me, the most scenic route. I would do this one quite regularly if it weren't for the tiny problem of finding someone to pick you up a...