A no particular title post...

Time flies. When you are having fun. When you are busy. When you are standing still. Doesn't matter - it just flies.... I thought I'd have all this time once my last kiddo left the nest for college last August. No such thing. I'm busier than I've ever been even though I had cleared my plate of the many committees and obligations that consumed me; only to fill that time with something else for someone else. I think my problem is there's just too many interesting things to be part of. And I can't say no. "As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being." ~Carl Jung Today is another blustery, cold day. My favorite kind because it means I get to hunker down inside and dream and think and sort and sift through stuff in a mindless kind of way. Toby gets extra treats. And I can drink as much tea as I want because I don't have to wait for the bell to ring signaling a much nee...