Moving forward

Greetings.....just a quickie post for today. I often wonder where my art venture would be if I wasn't so consumed with those things I must do in my 'regular' career - the one that pays the bills. Actually, I love the creative end of teaching and how the students keep me striving to find better ways for them to expand their learning and make it fun. That actually fuels my creativity and we do enjoy our time together. It's the other 'stuff', like being popular over being professional, bad politics, and judgement based on gossip that drains the life force.... But hey, I'm not here to kvetch. No! I'm here to share the tidbits coming in that move me yet one more step closer to my next destination...... My first product other than fine art prints and portraits - 2013 calendars! The calendars feature photos indigenous to the area I live in - my perspective - and each month has a different image. I'm generally pleased with the quality but will continue...