The other side of transition

Never underestimate the work that goes on in life's transitional phases. When my last 'baby' left home in the fall for college, I thought I would just easily flow through that dreaded 'empty-nest' syndrome typical for so many parents, single parents in particular. I found myself simultaneously feeling stagnant and catapulted through either not quite knowing what to do with my 'free' time or having a staggering amount of opportunities and decisions to make.

In just a few short months, I planned and booked a trip to Italy with the sole purpose of expanding my artistic trade and developing a stronger portfolio, cleared out physical stuff, quelled out fair weather friends and acquaintances, and left my workplace of 18 years. None of which was a foreseeable blip on the horizon until I was standing smack dab in the middle of it. My life is nothing that I knew of it - kids grown up and gone, day to day habits have made a 180 degree to the west turn, the faces of friends.

I am standing in the middle of my dream.

I cannot tell you how revived I feel after the sudden appearance of these opportunities that were, until early this spring, faint whispers of ideas tucked deep in my gray matter and only visible in the quiet of sleep. Is it possible to dream our realities? It appears so... Change was asked for and I received, tenfold.

Next week, I leave on an artistic sojourn to Italy - Tuscan region to be exact. Firenze. Benabbio, Bagni di Lucca. Residing in a 17th century, Baroque villa with other photographer/artists - what better place but the birthplace of the Renaissance to nurture my artistic muse?

I look forward to a new and much needed twist to this blog site. Come back often for travel snippets and updates from new adventures...

A presto!


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