Look up!

Oh dear readers....thanks to those of you reaching out, wondering where I have disappeared to. I am alive and thriving and quite well - thank you! It has been a lusciously busy few months with more offers to exhibit my works than I have had time to keep up creating anew. Family and work life seem to take precedence over creative life at the moment. All great and happy challenges to have. You'll hear no complaints from me (save not enough time in the day, of course....) There has been an interesting change of energy in my day to day place of late. Karma come due. An oppressive weight has been lifted and I didn't have to do anything but keep my distance - and my mouth shut (Well, sort of...). Never realized just how bad it has been until that source went away. I can breathe again. And smile. And, maybe, I won't have to begin my days crying in the parking lot before I even walk in the door...

I will leave you with a photo (or two or five) of some of my latest portrait sessions. I so love making portraits of families. Have I ever told you why I have such a passion for that? Next post. I promise.

Until sooner (than later)..... Be well. Stay warm. Don't let the preparations and rush of this holiday season wear you thin. Enjoy the reflective and softer nature these winter days bring to us...

The "Jumping Js". No sit still, smile at the camera, and say "Cheese!" for these guys.
Loved watching the brotherly love and fun ooze out of these fellas...

A natural at hamming it up.
You could tell they respected and loved each other.

Photo sessions are hard work.
My images on fine art postcards and more traditional 5x7 greeting cards - selling like hotcakes! 

And, the Tobster. Patiently letting me snap his portrait with our fiery desert sunset skies overhead. This image is straight from the iPhone. A "Wow!" kind of evening and a reminder to always...

Look Up.


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