Day 20

Around this time of year, I long for the open road..... A simply packed car: hiking gear, assorted lenses for the camera body, a map, snacks, a few items of clothing to handle whatever weather may crop up (here, out west, it changes its mind often...), a fair amount of unencumbered time, a travel buddy - or not, with no particular place to head to. My favorite kind of trip is pointed in some direction with a vague idea of what I'd like to do, but ending up discovering something altogether different. I have many friends whose entire vacations are "ruined" with bad moods for weeks on end if their well laid out itinerary has a hiccup. Me. I love the surprises along the way (well, maybe not the flat tire-no-cell-service-fender-bender-wait-for-hours-for-AAA-way-too-long kind of surprises.....) From late August to mid June, my days are planned to the minute, complete with a bell to tell me what to do next. So, the less planned the trip, the better. While the road winds this way and that, beckoning me to see what's around that next bend, I feel my Self unwind from the former demands of the previous months.

So, no, this isn't in my magical mojave - but it isn't too far away. This road was one of those very pleasant surprises one June summer day - enjoying some just-mommy-and-now-grown-up-daughter time and unwinding my Self while heading away from the north rim of the Grand Canyon.  I've been to the south rim many times. Nice. And very crowded. Now, the north rim has captured my attention. Raw. Multifaceted. Something that makes you say "Aah!" around many corners. Roads less traveled. My kind of trip...

(Copyright Diana Shay Diehl. Northern Arizona/Utah border)

And this road led to...................

(Copyright Diana Shay Diehl. North Rim / Grand Canyon)


Rosa said…
Melissa and I should take you with us to Kauai next time (once we have funds of course)...there is a "grand canyon" of Hawaii there.

This is a beautiful shot.

Thanks for the posts,
Diana said…
Thanks Rosa! I would so love a trek to beautiful Hawaii with you two. I've been to Kauai....funny how we didn't visit the canyons at that time :-/

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