Merry Christmas...

Greetings readers,  I hope this time of year finds you all surrounded by the comfort of those you love sprinkled with much laughter and merriment as many of us gather with friends and family for winter celebrations.  With the recent tragic events in my hemisphere, I think we all needed to return to our hearts and hearths - the center point of being grounded in all that matters most.

Sharing some images of things that warmed my heart and hearth this holiday season....

<----Ginger. I think he was staying up to see if he could catch Santa while watching over one of his favorite snoozing humans...

<---- Toby. Master of Ceremonies in our household...

<----Christmas morning brunch - French toast with warmed berries served at a table full of family and a guest. It was so nice to have all of my kids home this year. As they get older and onto lives of their own, these gatherings are quite special....

Many blessings to you and yours as the celebrations continue...


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