Invisible Connections

While enjoying the lowest tide of the year, I watched these 3 women walk the length of the beach to the bluffs at the end and back. They stayed close the entire walk. Heads bent in conversation, occasionally stopping in unison to examine and appreciate tidbits found at their feet or gaze out to the distant mountains. The scene emitted deep appreciation - for where they were and who they were together. It warmed my heart to be in the wave of all that. You never know when your act of connectedness, acceptance, and appreciation for what is may touch the life of another soul. I thank these women, unknown to me, for touching mine.

Friendship. And what a beautiful place to share it in.....

2012©Diana Shay Diehl / Bishops Beach, Homer, AK


Krista said…
Beautiful photo, Diana. One of my favorites of yours!

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