Things that make me go aahhhh....

I love the textures, subtle colors, and evidences of the cycle of Life on a quiet beach - the only sounds are feet crunching on rocks and the rhythmic lap of waves to shore. With my camera in tow and head bent down, it's a walking meditation.....focus on the present. See what is before you. When I am focused on the beautiful things of that very moment, it's hard to kvetch over the Machiavellian behaviors of those I must rub elbows with more often than I care to from late August to mid June.... when the children are kinder and play more fairly than the adults.

Best medicine out there for saving my peace of mind and quieting my bruised spirit....

2012 © Diana Shay Diehl / Bishops Beach, Homer, Alaska


Anonymous said…
Love reading your random thoughts. Your deep and insightful spirit is much appreciated. What a brave soul you seem to be. Don't let those "Machiavellian" others impede what you know of yourself to be true. They are fearful and jealous people. It's when we act/react in kindness and fair compassion, we are acting out of love, not fear. Press on. No doubt you are much loved by those who count the most :-)
jbhikercat said…
Sounds like maybe some educational politics going on? (when isn't there?). Henry Kissinger said "University politics are nasty precisely because there is so little at stake". I suspect it is just as bad at any level of the educational system. Don't let them get to you :-)

P.S. Have you read "The Kids from Nowhere"? Great examples of someone doing amazing things only to have administration and colleagues continually try to shoot him down.

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