Happy 236th birthday, America...

For those dear readers who do not live in the USA, today is the 236th birthday since our nation signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 in Philadelphia's Independence Hall. Regardless of anyone's political beliefs or frustrations with the current political climate, you've got to admit, no other country has embraced diversity and human rights like this country has. Yes, there are many issues to wag one's tongue at and shake our heads in disbelief - but, we have a choice in this country. And that choice is to vote and make noise for what's the right thing to do. Is everyone happy with those choices or how they may come about? No. Certainly not. But I don't think that is the point.....

In any event, there is much to be grateful for and celebrate in this country I call home. I hope you will find that to be true for yourself as well.

Here is a link to the original wording of the Declaration of Independence. The words ring as true today as they did 236 years ago. Perhaps some of our political leaders need a gentle reminder of that...

                                                   The Declaration of Independence

Happy birthday, America........ And many, many thanks to all who serve in order to keep democracy alive...

©Diana Shay Diehl/2012


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