Day 48

A few shots of my day. I explored a new-to-me area in the park - Ruby Lee Mill and Porcupine Wash (which is along an inactive fault line called Porcupine Fault). This part of the park is different than the main, more popular area at the higher elevation. This is where the Colorado Desert mingles with the Mojave. The vistas are sweeping. The rock formations from plate lifting activity and years of flood waters are pretty amazing. Lots of mining history in the area as well. We saw our first early spring blossoms today as well....thick stemmed, healthy Canterbury Bells (Desert bluebells) are just beginning to show their rich "plumage" - ready to invite the pollenators in to keep the species going.

Slogging up and down deep sandy washes wreak havoc on the calves. Mine are screaming right now. Another great day in my wilderness....

The crew assembles by pictographs...

Looking east towards the Eagle Mountains from the remains of the stone cabin....

Self explanatory. I thought the date was pretty cool....

Panoramic view to the southeast....the well is just below the etched rock...

A side wash we had to hike in for a bit before hooking up with the wider Porcupine Wash...

Desert Canterbury Bluebell.......a sign of spring....
All images ©2012 Diana Shay Diehl


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