Day 8

 (Image Copyright Diana Shay Diehl. Food creations by Chef Rosa Ficara.)

(Image copyright Diana Shay Diehl. 'Ant Farm Gang' coloring book copyright Kim Mayhew of Ant Farm Studio. 
Food and libations courtesy of Chef Rosa Ficara.)

 This is what Sundays are for....time for reflection and prayer;  scrumptious food prepared not only with skill but great love - you could taste it in every bite;  and kindred spirits to share it with. Conversations were lively and thought-provoking. Laughter was punctuated by a few tears that still needed shedding followed by more laughter and a hug.  New ideas hatched. Old ones revised. Heart-felt sharing. Acceptance. Food for the soul....


Cynthia King said…
How true. The martini looks especially good.
Kim said…
It was a wonderful time of much needed respite :)
Rosa said…
Love these pics... I need to get you some of these birds...oh and the singing pigs so you can have them in your shots. PiTown Crossings Antiques. Thank you for your lovely company!!
Diana said…
The martini was fabulous! Amen Kim. Amen. And I would SO love my own birds and singing piglets! It was an honor to be fed both in belly and soul. Thank YOU dear Rosa for your generosity and love...

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