Day 4

 (Shot with a Canon 30d. Copyright Diana Shay Diehl)

Today's photo came from my quick morning walk with Toby before making my way to work.....even within the charred remains of wild fires, one can find beauty. This remnant came from a most beautiful and thick stand of joshua trees within a 5-10 minute walk from my house. Broke my heart when the 2006 Acoma Hills fire ripped through and devoured all that pristine acreage along the hillside. Considering how close my friends and neighbors, who lived just over the ridge, came to losing everything - all that burned flora was a minor issue. Lives and homes were spared - thank God and a multitude of quickly working firefighters......


Cynthia King said…
It was traumatic to return to the burned hills. We were out of town. It seemed to be such a sacred place, how could it possibly catch on fire?

The photo is great! thanks

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