Day 27

A simple photograph kitchen island counter, mug of hot green tea, and my favorite local hiking guide book backed up with a little online research. Now that I'm on the better side of this icky cold, time to make plans to get out on the trails. I haven't really kept count of how many miles or trails I've covered in my 28 years of living out here. If I were a numbers person, that might be an interesting undertaking this chilly January evening. But, I'm not. Instead, I'll pick a few must do's for the remainder of this winter/spring season before the heat sets in and desert hiking is no longer enjoyable (or safe).  I'll let you know what I come up with. Until then, enjoy your Friday evening. It's been 'a week'. This chica's over and out - for now...

(Copyright Diana Shay Diehl. "On Foot in Joshua Tree National Park" by Patty A. Furbush can be purchased from any visitor center of JTNP.)


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