Day 18

You are probably wondering what this post has to do with living in the desert or why it isn't some pretty sweet scene of this foreign-to-you country called the Mojave Desert.....  Today's post is about kindred spirits. It is in honor of my best friend and fellow Capricorn's birthday. Life is one grand adventure and when you have people who come through to share a bit of the path with you, it's all the more sweeter. This photo reminds me of friendship and laughter and people who 'get you'. (No, it's not 2 scoops of guacamole with chocolate syrup and a cherry....silly people.......) What a better way to celebrate the fact someone was granted another year of life than to spend time with the people who care about you - and you return the sentiment. It's really not about the "stuff" we accumulate. It's about time well spent which is more precious than diamonds and gold... 

Thank you to all those who have graced my life and offered a bit of your precious time for us to share....

Anyway, it's a been a long day, punctuated by dinner prepared by moi and shared around my table in honor of my friend's birthday. Spicy shrimp soup, warmed French bread, cucumber/tomato salad, conversations that included my son and his viewpoint on things, critters that waited quietly at our feet for tidbits to fall, and plans for a coastal trip to Northern California over the upcoming spring break.....a wonderful way to end an already rich day...

Life is sweet. I hope yours is, too.

(Copyright by Diana Shay Diehl. Birthday dessert by Kimi Grill. Taken with iPhone.)


Anonymous said…
Uncanny how one moment someone is a close friend and the next a traitor? Careful who you honor with the term "friend"....

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