Light's magic touch...

“The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera.” 
– Dorothea Lange

My world, softly lit by the magical mojave sun. Welcome to it...

I've been wanting to 'do a blog' for some time now. Why? Not sure really. Who would read it? What could I possibly say and show through my camera's lens that would be of interest? I'm not sure that is the point actually. Perhaps this is a catharsis for my own soul ~ a place to muse; to appreciate; to wonder out loud; to perfect how I see and find new ways to appreciate what I trip over every day. Or perhaps I just need a place to meander and see where I end up...  Maybe I can shed some light into your world as well....

I love this photograph ~ a labor of love if you knew the person who created the bottle art lined along the edge of the pit. The November storm was just gathering for a late afternoon shower. The light was perfect that day as clouds raked across the flatlands just east of 29 Palms. Things like this dot the landscapes outside of desert communities where no one judges you - well, sort of, but not really - not that it matters. There is space enough for everyone to be themselves, to create, to breathe, to just be... You either love it or tolerate it here. I have learned to love it.

And so, here is my first attempt at blogging. Better scoot off to bed before those first rays of light find me bleary eyed and still awake. I'll leave you with another one of my favorite views. This one is looking west from the North View/Maze Loop trail in Joshua Tree National Park with a snow-capped San Gorgonio peak in the distance. I love how the light works through the layers of boulders, hills, and mountains.  Can't you just feel your shoulders drop and your breathing slow down.......?


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