3 Years, 10 Months later...

Here's the short version: The rest of 2017-2018 is a blur. Left a 35 year career in public education halfway through 2019. Gifted myself a custom built camper van to freely travel and be a full-time artist, open land advocate, and whatever else I wanted. In February, 2020, we were planning a wedding and awaiting the arrival of a new family member - my first grandchild. Covid hit shortly after in full force. Granddaughter arrived despite Covid restraints and world events, healthy and as adorable as can be, thank God and FaceTime. The new little family is thriving and safe. Everything else turned to shit... Like you, I am trying to figure out what 'new normal' looks like as every day unleashes old and new circumstances to make sense of and navigate through. Grieving and creating are simultaneous, daily rituals. My thread of sanity is that I am not in this alone but in good company - as sad and frightening and frustrating as it all can be - I remain hopeful, most of the t...