Summer reminiscing...

Just playing around in old files this evening.

Sebatian's Groceries. Or it was. Now it's Sebastian's General Store and Cafe.  Same building that Randolph Hearst owned back in the day in San Simeon, California -also home to William Randolph Hearst Memorial Beach. I remember it being a true general store with camping goods and the like when my kids were small. Beautiful, weathered old wood floors that creaked and local knick knacks among the necessary lamp batteries, camp stoves, and spam.....

Thankfully, they left the character of the original building intact in the trendier redo. Although, I'm not sure this 'groceries' sign is still on the side of the building anymore. Hmm, might need a roadtrip to check it out....

And then there's Linn's Farmhouse and olallieberry pies and Phil, the pie-maker....

Oh yes, summertime is near....


Cynthia King said…
I will be going up the coast this summer sometime. Linn's makes great berry pies as well. I did fall in love with their strawberry rhubarb. Summer. This is a great time of the year, we are wrapping things up and can feel summer's freedom already. I love the shot you chose. It expresses the peace and hope of this summer for me.

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