
Showing posts from July 15, 2012

Part 2, On stepping out of ruts

Whew...busy, busy, busy.... Snippets of what's brewing in this desert heat (of which we've been given a lovely reprieve with bouts of glorious rain, cool breezes, and semi-cloudy days - my a/c is on a much needed hiatus...)... This is what is brewing this very minute out of the picture window where I sit and do 'computer stuff' - meaning prepping over 125 photos. Twice. At least. For every photo used in the catalog and on the website. Our upcoming Hwy 62 Open Studio Art Tours  is the last 2 weekends in October.  Follow it here ! The horizon is now filled with darkening clouds, the promise of more rain in the air. Monsoon season has arrived earlier yet we are still behind in annual rain fall.... Christmas in July! A birthday present 6 months early! Or how about just a well-deserved, much planned for gift to myself? Finally. I can print my works the way I want. Stay tuned for printed pieces and how to buy them and where they will be showing.... ...