The Big C
Interesting phenomenon....when one is given a potential death sentence, then does one begin to think about living. I've denied my reality long enough. Tomorrow I begin treatment. I should be sleeping but my mind is racing - part fear, part excitement that I am, according to my consultation team, now on the road to healing. The good news: Treatment is noninvasive. "It" is isolated and at a Stage 1-2 - for now. I'm tired mostly but nothing really hurts. Including surgery - which is minor considering - the 'inconvenience' of several times a week hospital/dr visits will be over by the end of this calendar year. Treatment is holistic meaning I am encouraged to stay active, meditate, eat/drink as I should and mostly do, use acupuncture for additional healing, clear my life of all that is useless to me, and add more time for those people/things I love. (Isn't that how we should liv...