Healing with Horses...

Several months ago, I had the pleasure of spending a morning at a most wonderful ranch where horses are used to heal people of all ages from a variety of issues - from physical and emotional trauma to birth defects to temporary physical setbacks. The love and patience at this ranch are phenomenal. There are no excuses. There is no enabling to remain a victim of circumstances. Just lots of love and patience and encouragement and praise and celebration of progress and accomplishments. Being there was an instant mood lifter.

The place is Hippotherapy, Inc (Horses Helping to Heal Ranch) located in Pioneertown, California. Please check out the website via the embedded link. They can always use help by way of donations. They are a nonprofit organization providing healing services regardless of financial ability. The folks who staff it are certified physical therapists. It takes at least 3 people for each rehabilitation session - one to lead the horse around an obstacle course, one to steady the patient, and one to work with the patient. Volunteers help round out the work force. Then, there are the 4 legged assistants who trail behind making sure nothing is missed.....

I'll let some photos tell the story of this morning well spent. What an honor it was to be there....

What's not to love about these wonderful creatures. Patient, sensitive, ready to 'work'.  These horses emanate kindness and strength with a healthy dose of playfulness.

Yes, this muzzle is saying "Kiss me!" And he means it.....
At least 3 people per session with the 4 legged assistant not far behind. What you don't hear in this scene is all the loving encouragement and praise along with direction during the session.

The obstacle course has many sensory stations for patients to experience and play with.

Another part of the obstacle course - ring that brass bell!

And when the work is done, a little horse play. These beauties were magnificent to watch...

<-------Are ya done yet? Can we play ball now?

THIS was one of the best moments of my day. The little girl had been coming to therapy for awhile. On THIS day, she walked IN and OUT (with minor assistance from Grandpa) on her own feet rather than being carried or in a stroller.  If you could have seen the joy and smiles all around. She was one happy, proud kiddo....


 ......and more tack.........


Anonymous said…
Beautiful story. Thank you for sharing this place. Love the photos.

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