A window of time...

13 days. 13 days and a big window of time will open for me - enough to dive into some creative projects I am chomping at the bit to work on for the next couple of months - one of which is playing with different means of presenting some of my favorite images. It takes me awhile to figure out how they want to be. What kind of paper to use. Do I even want to use paper? Maybe fabric. Maybe wood. Maybe metal. Maybe a little of everything.

Here is one of many images I am looking forward to seeing off my computer screen. I was walking down a street in Little Italy near downtown San Diego when I looked up and saw this. The tree was thinking about breaking out in blossoms. Late winter / early spring. I particularly like the starkness of bare branch against rough, weathered stucco and a simple, startling blue window frame with a hint of a chair. Who lives up there? Where they watching me watching the window? What scenes have been witnessed from above?

I think this one wants to be on fine matte picture rag or watercolor paper.

I wonder....


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