8 May 2012

Time flies. I feel like I've been drowning in 'have to-dos' lately.....  The excitement is building though. Several trips on the horizon and I am excited to bring you with me. While I do enjoy, for the most part, where I live, I have a deep seated wander lust. Always have. Which is pretty amazing considering I've lived in the same house since 1985. The first 25 years of my life were pretty nomadic being an "Army brat". It's been an on-going adjustment to have lived not only the past 25 years in the same town, but the same house no less! There is a comfort in stability of that kind. My own children know the life of having been born and raised in the same house, same town with friends they still know from the diaper stages. A rarity in today's America. Still the same, I need frequent changes of scenery and mindsets or I get really, really grumpy.

What's on the billet for future travel plans?

Here's a very tiny peek.......

The Milepost is my planning guide for an upcoming trip to Alaska in late July with my youngest son. I had never smelled air so fresh and oxygenated until my first trip up.  Having friends all along the Kenai Peninsula makes for an intimate journey with many places off the beaten track....

Whittier, Alaska. Can't get here except by boat, plane, or through a 2.5 mile train tunnel (known to be the longest in North America) which is shared with automobiles (not at the same time, of course...).  It is literally on the other side of a huge mountain range with no passable canyon or low point to get there. I absolutely loved this little town nestled at the edge Prince William Sound. The fish was fresh and perfectly prepared at one quaint little cafe.  When my oldest son and I visited (on a wet and cold summer day), he and our friend precariously stepped on the edge of a ROARING waterfall and rushing stream coming out of a deep and massive ice pack / glacier. It was predicted that the water pouring out from under it was hundreds if not thousands of years old if I remember correctly - and really, really cold. The bottle of it my son captured is still in my fridge....  I'm looking forward to going back.

<---------I cannot claim this shot. My daughter sent it to me via her cellphone. I believe it was an early, early morning view she had walking somewhere.   Not a common site, these lovely water reflections, from my vantage point. Florida. I'm looking forward to seeing her next week and visiting her temporary home. We are going to explore the Gulf Islands National Seashore among other places.  Another thing to look forward to, and soon....

©Aubrey Diehl

And then, there will be many, many hiking excursions in the local mountains and respites on the California coast.  Looking forward to sharing my summer sojourns with you........

All images ©Diana Shay Diehl unless otherwise noted.


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