13 May 2012

Happy Mother's Day. Mine was exceptional. The only thing that would have made it even more so would have been time with all 3 of my kids today. What made this particular Mother's Day a coming of age for me was that I really didn't have to do much of anything - except drive my youngest son and I down to Huntington Beach to meet up with my older son who treated us all to dinner on the pier - followed by carousing beach shops for a bit. My youngest son made me breakfast in bed this morning, traditionally my daughter's thing to do until she joined the Navy and moved to the other side of the US temporarily....  Today, there was no bickering. No complaining that no one wanted to do what I wanted to do. Just simple time spent enjoying each other's company on a beautiful California spring day....

I don't remember too many Mother's Days with my own mother. We were never that close. Ever. Even to her last moments on Earth as I sat by her side with a nursing infant for nearly 2 week straight. I don't remember spending time traveling or wandering cool villages or sharing music or being heard. It still puzzles me how we didn't have that kind of connection like I have with my own kids. I know she loved me in her own way. I was well taken care of in all the usual fundamentals like food, shelter, clothing. But to her last dying breath, I don't think we ever really knew each other. I find that sad.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom. I believe you tried your best...

iPhones aren't the best in low light situations, especially when you are trying to keep up with the herd - couldn't resist snapping a quick one. I love street musicians. This gentleman was quite good, and very friendly to boot. Wandering the beach side streets with my boys and being treated to live music was the icing on an otherwise pretty perfect day.....

        Don't forget to LIVE.

I hope your Mother's Day was filled with warm memories if not spent making new ones with those who nurtured you or were nurtured by you....

iPhone image ©Diana Shay Diehl


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