9 April 2012

A gazillion photo ops this past week - especially this past weekend. And do I have my camera(s) with me? Uh, well, yes actually. Three of them. And did I take them out, make them ready to capture the moments, use them? No. Not until my fellow photog and friend, Rachel Rauch Johnson (wedding photographer extraordinaire among other things...check out her link. And if you live in the Seattle, Portland, LA area - think westcoast - and need a fabulous wedding photographer...well, her online portfolio speaks for itself.) told me to just take out my camera - ANY camera and shoot. Don't think about it. Don't fuss over it. Just shoot. And shoot. And shoot.

So, I did.

2012 ©Diana Shay Diehl

The aftermath of a great dinner. We were the last to leave.

Thanks Rachel (and Eric), for your encouragement.......

And another one...

<-----Easter Sunday brunch with my boys. If you celebrate, I hope yours was filled with hope and surrounded by love as mine was.  If you don't, I hope your time was spent the same.

2012 ©Diana Shay Diehl


Unknown said…
That's true for painting, too. Don't think about it too much - just paint!

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